The verdict: My dress


When I finally got to see it on Friday, I was happy to find that my dress actually fit! Well, almost. I basically need a better bra/corset, as the straps were loose, and it was a bit tight in the stomach area, but I’ve gained some weight since I was measured, so that wasn’t a surprise.

The dress is gorgeous. Before I prattle on about it, I’ll post some photos. None of me in it, but they should get the point across.

The front of the dress.

The back of the dress. It is lace until about an inch below my bra line, so I’m going to need a special corset that won’t show.

An up close shot of the satin and lace at the bottom of the dress.

So overall? I’m pleased. The only issues were that the dress is shedding sequins. Some of them just weren’t sewn on as tight as they should have been. Also, the lace is…itchy. My mother said my back was red after only wearing the dress for ten minutes. The train is also longer than I was anticipating, the lace would not stand up to my wearing it all morning and well into the night at an outdoor wedding. So, I figured I’d need a bustle.

I went right to work asking around about seamstresses. A lot of the seamstresses in my general area that are recommended live nowhere near either myself in Fredericksburg, VA or my parents in Harford County, MD. I also had a nightmare Friday night about a seamstress totally destroying my dress, so when I woke up on Saturday, the first thought that popped into my mind was: “Second dress?”

Let me state that I’m iffy on this subject. Some brides do the two-dress thing because they’ve fallen in love with a ballgown that weighs more than them, so they do the second dress for comfort. Some just do it to be showy. I fall more into the first category. My dress is heavy, and to get a bustle put in would cost me about $150. Since it does fit just fine everywhere else, I have decided to go with a second, shorter dress for the reception and any after-party we may have. I’ve found a few dresses that would cost me less than alterations. I will wear my dress for the ceremony and formal photos, so I am considering the dress I already have as “the” dress.

I have wondered if my friends and family would think I was being showy. My mom pointed out that I had wanted a short dress in the first place, but then I reminded her that you only get that one day to wear the long dress, which is why I chose the dress I did.


That said, my mom didn’t think I was being showy by getting a second dress and told me that she didn’t think any of our family would. My FILs echoed this sentiment. They thought the idea was cute. Also, considering that both of my dresses combined will be about what I budgeted for a dress in the first place ($500) I think I’m in good shape.

So, to wrap up: would I buy a dress from China again? YES. There is no way that my dress looks like we only spent $225 for it. That said, I’m not the type of bride who was ever really that into the dress. I was never going to cry and get emotional about it. If you are, I would just go the traditional route and get your dress from a shop.

3 Responses to “The verdict: My dress”

  1. 1 srh

    For the redness/scratchiness of the dress you might try body glide. It’s what marathon runners use to prevent chafing when they run, but it also works really well at preventing blisters caused by shoes and in areas that might get rubbed by something like scratchy lace. It doesn’t rub off on clothes and it is clear, no one can see it.

    • 2 budgetbeautiful

      Thanks for the tip, I will check that out!

  1. 1 Here comes the recession-chic bride |

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